Disaster Recovery

At Pearl Technology, we understand that natural disasters can have a devastating impact on businesses, which is why we offer a comprehensive range of disaster recovery solutions. Our cold, warm and hot site options offer you the flexibility to pick the right recovery plan for your business, so you can be prepared for any unexpected event. With our expertise in security and compliance, we ensure that your data is secure, and that you can resume operations with no impact to your business. And, according to Forbes, nearly two-thirds of SMBs impacted by a fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, or earthquake no longer exist 12 months later. So, don’t wait until it’s too late – ensure your business is protected with Pearl Technology’s disaster recovery solutions.


  • 24/7 Monitoring and Remote Smart Hands Services
  • Workstations and Office Space
  • Fully Redundant and Uninterruptible Power Generation
  • VOIP Telephone Services
  • Global Interconnection Services
  • Industry-Leading Security Services

Seamless Operation

In 2021 alone, there were 20 disastrous weather events… each exceeding $1 billion in losses. And FEMA reports that 40% of businesses experiencing a disaster fail to reopen after the event!

That’s why we believe preparing for the unexpected is a critical part of any business continuity plan… because no one can guarantee your business will never experience a disaster of some kind.

  • Assured Control Over All Aspects of Your Business
  • 24/7 Access to Your Network and Files
  • No Downtime or Loss of Revenue

Read Current News From Our Team

Looking for the best environment for your IT infrastructure? Read more on ways our staff can offer better security, more IT expertise, and scalable options in our Tier 3 data centers. 

One Disaster Recovery Tip That Could Save Your Business

One Disaster Recovery Tip That Could Save Your Business

Imagine crafting a piece of ransomware, a masterpiece designed to stealthily penetrate defenses, encrypting everything in its path, rendering data inaccessible to its rightful owners. The attack begins with phishing emails, exploiting software vulnerabilities, or brute-forcing weak passwords. Once inside,

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The Most Overlooked Benefit of Colocation Services
Data Centers

The Most Overlooked Benefit of Colocation Services

Facing an ever-changing digital terrain, companies urgently need robust IT solutions that promise not only efficiency but ironclad resilience and scalable growth as well. Among the myriad services available, colocation stands out for its multifaceted advantages. However, there’s one benefit

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Why Choose an OpEx Model?
Data Centers

Why Choose an OpEx Model?

Migrating your data from on-premise servers to colocation and cloud technologies can be a daunting task. However, the overall financial savings can be extremely beneficial for businesses. By shifting from CapEx to OpEx, organizations can save a significant amount of

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